Who is Bernhard Hartmann ?
Born in Frankfurt in 1955, Bernhard Hartmann began his artistic career at the age of 18 as a press photographer for a German newspaper. Self-taught, he studied art and became a landscape photographer after discovering this medium with the aid of his parents' Polaroid. He creates dramatic and cinemascopic images that are often compared to the Romantic paintings of Caspar David Friedrich, but also to the dramatic natural scenes by English painter William Turner.
He prefers to photograph places where the arts are practised and expressed and thus presents series on operas, theatres, or European manors. A lawyer in Munich, Bernard Hartmann now lives near Lake Starnberg in the Bavarian Alps.
Sumptuous Tuscany
The Mediterranean , century-old cypress trees, and the warm light of a summer evenings, ah... Tuscany, the cradle of the Renaissance, the land that inspires relaxation...Let yourself be captivated by Bernhard Hartmann’s lush landscapes.
Warm orange tones, green hills, and a mist reminiscent of the great Italian masters' sfumato. Bernhard Hartmann's photographs express the artist's love for this region rich in a thousand colours, which he poetically freezes in an eternal dolce vita.
Tuscany is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. And when Bernhard Hartmann lingers there with his camera, the result is breathtaking! Master of the art of composition, Bernard Hartmann causes the trees and hills to dance with various hues and moods, depending on the time of day. With talent and poetry.
“My camera represents a fascinating tool for seeing the world in a different way, far from the everyday routine. I can create a world full of beauty, and, in a more technical way, I can create what painters are capable of doing with their brushes and palette.”