6 available formats from $140.00 to $2,730.00
About the artwork
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About the Artist

Christophe Catelain is a French visual artist and photographer. His art career began following 9/11, when he created digital compositions to pay tribute to the victims and the firefighters of New York. His work then developed in a wide range of media, including photography, carving on wood or plexiglass, and skateboard drawings. A child of pop art and street art culture, he likes to use multiple formats and interweave different images within a single work, drawing on many sources of inspiration in a maverick spirit: “With today’s multimedia lifestyle, everything becomes a source of inspiration”,he explains. “I love… condemn and compose in response to current events and find material for future projects...”. His works, which he describes as references and tributes to the “Love, Freedom, No More War” movements, are exhibited all over the world: from Paris, New York and Los Angeles to Singapore, Milan and Gstaad.
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