Why photography ?
It is my preferred art form of expression.
Your inspiration ?
It comes from the digital edition and then the need to create my own images.
What is unique in your photographs ?
I like beautiful things and I try to turn a decadent city into something beautiful.
The context of creation of your new series.
I have liked street photography for years and after 2020 I have focused more closely on it
The picture you would have loved to shoot ?
I don't wait to find the photo, I go looking for the photo I want to take. But from now on I want to focus more on urban portraits, I think people's faces say a lot.
The latest prizes / awards / prides you got ?
I'm not one to participate much in contests, but in recent years I have received several nude awards at PhotoSoot Awards.
Your next projects ?
I would like to focus my efforts on a book about Havana.
Your motto ?
Never give up
Any crush on a YK picture ?
Anyone who likes art can fall in love with YK ....
When did you start practicing photography? What is your professional background?
I have been a professional photographer for 16 years. Before, I used to teach computer science classes.
When and for what purpose did you realize these photographs or this series of photographs?
I do many types of photography. But since 2020 I am focusing on making a book about photos of Havana
Is it a personal project or an order?
It is my personal project. Make a book on photography of Havana.
What photographic process did you employ and what were the intended effects?
In this case they are all digital photographs.
What are your main sources of influence (photographers, cinema, music, art…)? And for this specific work?
I feed my work mainly on photographs where I find inspiration to create. In the editing part, I do like to give the images a cinematographic aspect.
Which message do you want to convey through your photographs?
I would like people who see my city to admire the beauty of old things and in many cases destroyed by time.